Sunday, August 16, 2009

Marathon Mania

This was probably be my last MM. Like the last time, preparation was almost the same - not up to the mark. I should have gone for 35ks practice session a couple of more times and must have around 80-85k per week in the peak training periods and not just 65-70k. However, unlike the last time, I had a better race strategy and worse pair of shoes. Did not miss even a single drink station this time. Right from the beginning, gulped a glass of Getorade and 1 water. Did take some cadbury snakes this time with me. About 16 k and I could feel the thumps straight on my left foot not to mention the hurting ankle. I had the tapes in my two little fingers of my left toe to prevent them from friction and blistering that I generally encountered in my long training runs. Got Gu gel at around 17k that boosted me immediately.
At around 19k got hold of someone running at my pace and had a good chat with her for another 3k and then lost contact. At around 22-23 got 2 snakes out of my pocket and chewed them and got another boost. Drink stations helped me going easily until 30. Then applied the remaining snakes and thought this time I am gonna beat 4 hrs mark. It was St Kilda road (back) and I was quite surprised by my "strong" speed, while I was thinking how come this can end so quickly. No, it wouldn't as we took a turn towards the Kings way and up the hill towards the botanical garden - The most painful moment. I took notice of the ks left - and it was 6 MORE TO GO!! To hell with this.. and I started walking - my toe fingers were already giving me excruciating pain. When 5 left - started jogging again (after passing a drink station) and thought its just about 25 minutes of slow jog and I will be home. But, the last 5k of marathon is equivalent to first 15. During the last 2k, I had to literally drag myself to finish. After 40 I had to stop again and walk for around 5-600 meters continuously. At last could beat the last time only by 15 minutes. - 4:16:xx :( not good enough.;match=3352


Rahul said...

Sanjay: this is the URL -

Rahul said...

Hey Sanjay:
If you can do that plsss sponsor me and/or try and spread this.

You may give any further tips for this.

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