Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Convert your Windows 7 laptop into Wireless Hotspot

Situation: You have one internet connection via ethernet cable to your laptop but several Wifi mobile devices that need internet connections. Creating/Configuring a WiFi Virtual Miniport adapter: 1. Open cmd window with Admin privilage. 2. Type in "netsh" and then "wlan" 3. set hostednetwork ssid= mode=allow ssid= key= keyUsage=persistent 4. start hostednetwork 5. This will start the "Wireless Network Connection 2" which is your Wifi Mini Virtual port adapter. 6. Then you share your main LAN connection adapter by opening its property and selecting "Share connection..." checkbox in the "Sharing" tab. Also, select the "Wireless Network Connection 2" in the drop down list. You are done. Now, you should be able to connect your wifi enabled devices with the Access point described by , which should be picked up by the devices automatically.

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